Have no fear of perfection, if not, you'll never reach it. For my project I chose to do wheel altered. I chose this because, it is a way
to make your project look completely different compared to others. You can show contrast by forming different shapes and making it look different.
    This theme is in most of my projects. I realized that I wanted to do wheel altered about last week, so I haven't had much time to make enough projects. For example, in my '2 bowl' project, I accidently bumped the top of the clay with my hand, I noticed it made it look different then the simple bowl. This lead to all of my projects being the opposite of simple.
    Normally, I throw simple bowls. What ceramics kid doesn't do that? But simple isn't unique. I wanted to be unique in my projects. First, I would throw a cylinder or a bowl. Then I would either close my eyes and hit the clay until it didn't look normal. Or I would pause and fold over and flip pieces of clay in line with each other. 
    The way I see things isn't like anyone else. I imagine things completely different, as you can see in my bowls. I love being unique, I love standing out, I love being different. My projects explain myself in a weird way.
    If I feared perfection, then I wouldn't reach it. I think my projects are unparalleled. The only thing I would change about my ceramics career is not coming every single day after school to throw even more. Ceramics is my favorite class. It is where I can strangely express myself with just a ball of clay.

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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    May 2013

