This is my tall project. It is 8 by 4. I glazed it black and cobalt. First, I glazed everywhere black, then added a little bit of blue on the top. This created a smeared pattern all across the project. This is one of my favorite glazing jobs so far.
Mypinterest username is emmaherro
This is a choice project I made. It is 6 inches tall and 4 inches wide. I glazed it dark blue, white, and a little bit of teal. It has a smooth texture and fades into different colors.
Random bowl I made
This week I didnt do much. I made my tall and wide project but my tall got broken and my wide suddenly dissapeared. I learned to take pictures of my projects each step of the way so I can still get credit for them. I made my plate and I will start my tall and wide on monday.
This is my 2nd bowl. It is 4" by 3". It has a smooth texture and is fully glazed turqoiuse. The top edge is facing inwards to make it like a cup. It is a very simple bowl.
This is my 1st bowl. It is 4" by 6". It has a smooth texture. It is glazed turquiose and clear. I tried to make the top of the bowl one color and the bottom clear.